Operation principles of the TTR desiccant dehumidifiers
The functional principle of the TTR dehumidifiers at a glance
Durable, low-maintenance and extremely flexible
All TTR desiccant dehumidifiers are equipped with reliable silica gel sorption rotors in washable and mechanically high-tensile finish. Due to the chemical stability of silica gel, water vapour or clear water cannot destroy the rotor. Minor soiling such as dust only reduces the dehumidification performance.
Depending on the design of the Trotec adsorption dehumidifiers, process and regeneration air are channeled in different ways:
Legend Operation principles:
- Dehumidification sector
- Regeneration sector
- Purging sector for heat recovery
- Process air
- Regeneration air
- Dry air
- Heating
- Damp air

One fan for process and regeneration air placed before the rotor. For regeneration a branch current of the dry air is being used.
standard equipment
optionally available
not available