Germ and virus-free workout equipment in fitness studios and therapy rooms
Reliable disinfection of all equipment and treatment stations with Trotec ozone generators
The fitness industry is booming. Millions of people regularly work out in one of many fitness clubs, many of them daily. Even in the 70+ age group, a comparatively high number of active seniors are enthusiastically active in health clubs in order to stay fit despite the age-related risks. Because the more fit you are, the better your immune system works. But wherever a large number of people are perspiring in a confined space together and many different hands are using the same dumbbells and equipment, physical contact with viruses and bacteria cannot be ruled out. Therapy rooms, such as for physiotherapy applications, physiotherapy or massages, experience this same problem. Starting with the massage bench, therapy band, wall bars up to the medicine ball:
Germs are lurking all around us! Which is why public health departments have been conducting increased checks to ensure that the important hygiene measures are being implemented, and not just since the last epidemic.
Pathogenic viruses, bacteria and germs are exercising with you
Not all germs are dangerous, some, in contrast, highly contagious. For instance, barefoot areas must be disinfected particularly thoroughly and daily in order to prevent the spread of athlete's foot fungi. If a gym member does not wash their hands after going to the loo or if a customer with a cold sneezes into the palms of their hands, these pathogens will spread in the gym in no time. And the transmission paths are plentiful: Every dumbbell, curl bar and weight plate, elliptical cross trainer or treadmill, as well as the numerous workout stations in the gym: using these always requires direct hand contact. If all of these devices, grips and surfaces are not disinfected regularly and perfectly hygienically, there is a risk that harmful germs will first be transmitted to the hands during the workout and then passed on unnoticed to the mouth. This is the most common transmission path for intestinal bacteria, for example, but more dangerous pathogens such as noroviruses, rotaviruses and the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, also enter the body following a smear infection.
Harmful germs are just as tenacious as the gym guests
Some viral strains are very resilient and remain highly infectious even over a long period of time. Numerous studies prove that noroviruses and coronaviruses, for example, can survive on stainless steel surfaces for up to 72 hours and remain infectious.
Regular cleaning and disinfection of all training equipment, training and therapy rooms, sanitary facilities and changing rooms is thus indispensable.
The solution from Trotec: Disinfecting the equipment and exercise rooms with Airozon
The powerful ozone generators of the Airozon series enable health club operators, physiotherapists and osteopaths to disinfect all rooms and equipment that is as thorough as it is time and cost-saving to protect the guests, patients and staff.
Airozon 10000 and Airozon Supercracker: Powerful weapons against viruses and bacteria
Since the trend in the fitness sector is towards longer and longer opening hours in the evening and at weekends, the time for disinfection plays an important role here! It is difficult to disinfect equipment and rooms during operating hours, and personnel must be paid for beforehand or afterwards, which is expensive.
The Airozon 10000 and Airozon Supercracker ozone generators disinfect the gym rooms at any time of the day or night, and completely without the personnel. With a strong ozone output of 10,000 milligrams/hour for the Airozon 10000, and 10,000 milligrams/hour for the Airozon Supercracker, large-scale disinfections can be conducted overnight, and the rooms can be used again almost immediately after the treatment.
The generators only use the available room air in the ozonation process – without the need to add environmentally harmful or expensive chemicals. To do this, the oxygen (O2) contained in the room air is converted into ozone (O3) and then expelled again in order to disinfect the equipment, dumbbells, mats and fitness equipment. Since an ozone molecule is very unstable, the excess ozone in a room decays again after only 30 minutes. Ozone thus has a very powerful virus-killing effect and disappears completely after the treatment.
Airozon ozone generators completely eliminate:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Mould spores
- Unpleasant smells
Airozon ozonation saves time and does not involve additional personnel
In comparison to labour and personnel intensive spray and wipe disinfection from outside cleaning companies, ozone treatment offers a variety of advantages. By using a mobile Airozon 10000 or Airozon Supercracker, disinfection times can be reduced substantially compared to the mechanical cleaning method, and can be adjusted to the specific opening hours. Even hard to reach corners, edges and overhead exercise equipment, often neglected when using the wipe disinfection method, are subjected by the Airozon ozone generator to the same high degree of thoroughness.
The advantages of Airozon ozonation in a nutshell:
- Reliably kills human pathogenic viruses and bacteria
- Effective against viruses, bacteria, spores, germs and micro-organisms
- Extensive protection – even in hard to reach areas
- Faster and more efficient than mechanical cleaning methods
- Disinfected exercise rooms and equipment can be used again quickly
- Complete decontamination
- No personnel and no expensive chemicals for disinfection required
- Suitable also for unplanned rapid deployments
- Considerably reduces disinfection times
- Neutralises unpleasant odours
Interesting facts about ozone disinfection with an Airozon ozone generator
Ozone is the second most powerful disinfectant in the world, and has the ability to eliminate bacteria, viruses, gases and toxins. The mobile Airozon ozone generators generate a highly effective ozone concentration from the oxygen contained in room air. The ozone treatment is conducted in a closed room, without people present, and the duration of the treatment is based on various factors such as room size, temperature or degree of contamination. The ozone generated by Airozon destroys pathogenic viruses, bacteria and germs by diffusing through the protein envelope into the nucleus of the nucleic acid, destroying the viral RNA there. The ozone produced breaks down into oxygen again after treatment. For accelerated ozone depletion after room treatment, the Airozon Supercracker has a special oxygen regeneration mode. In this way, the required ozone concentration is built up and broken down equally quickly to further reduce the treatment time.
To buy or to rent:
Trotec delivers the suitable devices, including instructions
No matter whether you want to rent an Airozon 10000 or an Airozon Supercracker for the short term or buy one for the long term – the devices are always in stock at Trotec.
Notice: The devices may only be used by trained specialist personnel! Trotec offers training courses in handling the devices, the risks associated with treatment, and in correct operation! If you have any questions, please contact us per email at info@trotec.de or give us a call at +49 2452 962-400.
You can, of course, simply rent the units as well. In this case, please contact our TKL rental division by email at info-de@tkl-rent.net or simply call us at +49 2452 962-160.