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  1. Products & Services
  2. Measuring devices
  3. appSensors

What is an appSensor?

Trotec appSensor

Trotec appSensors are compact precision measuring devices with high-quality sensors. Designed in a way to save space and energy, they have neither display unit nor evaluation electronics – data analysis and operation are realized almost entirely by means of the connected smartphone. Combined with the free app MultiMeasure Mobile this measuring device concept offers many compelling advantages.

All of Trotec's appSensors offer the following advantages:

  • Professional sensors for precise measuring results
  • Foolproof connection of the app via Bluetooth with visual connection confirmation by means of an LED at the device
  • Wireless control of the measuring devices and display of data via app
  • Simple measured value detection even at remote locations since the values do not have to be read directly from the measuring device
  • Additional determination and indication of minimum, maximum and average values
  • Hold, logging and alarm functions
  • Wrist strap for safe handling included in the scope of delivery
  • Practice-optimized German industrial design – protected design patent

Why use appSensors? Aren't there a lot of measuring apps already?

Of course there are numerous apps using the electronic components integrated in smartphones, e.g. microphone, gyroscope or camera, for measurements and derived calculations. But these components haven't been designed for precise metrological inspections, instead mainly for an optimized application on a mobile device.

Hence, the obtained results are not in the least comparable with the results achieved by sensors specifically designed for measuring applications. Besides, your smartphone may not be equipped with the suitable electronic component for every measurement task, e.g. for contact moisture measurements or non-contact temperature measurements.

Trotec appSensors on the other hand house professional sensors for precise measuring results –which is just what they were made for. So, be smart and use the clever combination of appSensor and MultiMeasure Mobile – our free app available for both iOS and Android – to carry out professional measurements.

MultiMeasure Mobile – all of the app's advantages at one glance

MultiMeasure Mobile app

To control this appSensor via smartphone, you first have to download MultiMeasure Mobile – a free app for the operation, evaluation and measured value indication of all the appSensors connected to your mobile device.

MultiMeasure Mobile has numerous advantages in store for you:

  • Automatic identification of appSensors
  • Simultaneous operation of several appSensors
  • Quick and intuitive navigation
  • Numerical measured value indication or else in form of a chart / matrix
  • Integrated report function for the documentation directly on site
  • PDA function for the organization of measurement data and documents
  • Customer management already integrated
  • Manifold analysis options directly in the app
  • Storage of measured values linked to photos
  • Matrix measurements, also linked to photos
  • Complete data synchronization with MultiMeasure Professional via cloud

MultiMeasure Mobile turns your mobile terminal device into a multifunctional measurement data management tool.

All appSensors are automatically identified by the app and can be connected to and read by MultiMeasure Mobile using Bluetooth. The operation is as simple and intuitive as the installation: Simply download MultiMeasure Mobile for free onto your mobile device – click here to go to the iOS or Android download page.

Info video on appSensors and MultiMeasure Mobile

In our video you can get a quick overview of the measurement options of the Trotec appSensors and get first insights into the functionality of the MultiMeasure mobile app. Watch it now!

Watch the video now!