FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
If the app does not open in your preferred language by default, select the Settings button in the app to access the Settings menu tab. There you will find the language settings in the first line. By clicking on the current language, you can easily adapt the app to your desired language.
Note on Android and iOS display differences: The grey menu tab area with the five menu tabs is displayed at the top of the screen in the Android version of the app, whereas in the iOS version the menu tab area is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Click three times in quick succession on the button of the appSensor to be connected to activate pairing.
Always connect the devices directly via the app – not via the Bluetooth menu of the respective mobile device.
In case of some Android devices from different manufacturers it is possible that appSensors detected via Bluetooth cannot be connected to the app even though they are displayed in the list of Available sensors. If so, adjust the Bluetooth settings of your device and activate Bluetooth scanning.
Depending on the manufacturer, the following setting paths, among others, are possible for activating Bluetooth scanning:
- Settings → Biometrics and security → Privacy → Location → Improve accuracy → Bluetooth scanning (e.g. for SAMSUNG, but only after certain updates!)
- Settings → Google → Location → Improve accuracy → Bluetooth scanning
- Settings → Google → Location → Search → Bluetooth search
Depending on the Android version used and the smartphone's user interface, it may be necessary to activate the GPS function for the app in order to successfully connect to the appSensors, even though the app itself does not need GPS to function properly.
Therefore, activate the GPS function and check whether all available appSensors can now be connected to the app.
In this context, we would like to point out once again that it is not the MultiMeasure mobile app that requires the above-mentioned settings for a successful Bluetooth connection, but the respective mobile device.
Depending on the smartphone, the connections to several appSensors are limited.
Further instructions can be found on this help page in the section Known issues.
In order to terminate the connection between an appSensor and the app, there are two options:
- In the "Sensors" menu tab, select the red marking (right edge of the screen) of the appSensor to be disconnected and swipe to the left. A red "Disconnect sensor" button will be displayed next to the sensor name. Confirm disconnection by tapping on this button. Now the connection between appSensor and app will be terminated.
- Alternatively, each appSensor can also be disconnected from the app directly via the sensor screen. On each sensor screen, there is a context menu for the respective sensor in the top right corner. Besides other sensor-specific options, the context menu also contains the "Disconnect sensor" command. Simply tap the context menu icon to open the context menu and to disconnect the appSensor.
Once the connection between appSensor and app has been terminated, the measuring device can be switched off by pressing and holding the measurement button for five seconds (the sensor LED goes out completely).
The measuring devices are further equipped with an automatic switch-off function: the device will be switched off after approximately three minutes unless the sensor has been reconnected. Please always terminate the connection between appSensor and app before you switch off the appSensor.
Depending on the Android version used and the smartphone's user interface, it may be necessary to activate the GPS function for the app in order to successfully connect to the appSensors, even though the app itself does not need GPS to function properly.
Therefore, activate the GPS function and check whether all available appSensors can now be connected to the app.
In this context, we would like to point out once again that neither the MultiMeasure mobile app nor Trotec requires the above-mentioned settings for a successful Bluetooth connection, but only the respective mobile device.
Suitable appSensors
BA16WP vane anemometer
The appSensor BA16WP is a vane anemometer permitting measurements of wind speed, volumetric flow, air temperature and relative humidity when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements.
To measure the volumetric flow, enter the cross-sectional area of the round or angular flow channel to be measured in m² on the app's sensor screen.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BA16WP.
BA30WP hot-wire anemometer
The appSensor BA30WP is a hot-wire anemometer permitting measurements of wind speed, volumetric flow, air temperature and relative humidity when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements.
To measure the volumetric flow, enter the cross-sectional area of the round or angular flow channel to be measured in m² on the app's sensor screen.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BA30WP.
The hot-wire anemometer BA30WP is fitted with an extendable telescopic probe.
Note: When using the BA30WP, make sure that the opening of the sensor tip is held into the air current, otherwise the measurement results will be falsified. The so-called hot wire used for this measurement is extremely delicate. Hence, you should only perform measurements in the sensor-specific measuring range. Never subject the sensor to intense mechanical stress and do not try to clean it mechanically to prevent any defects.
BC21WP thermohygrometer
The appSensor BC21WP is a thermohygrometer permitting measurements of air temperature and relative humidity level when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
The resulting values for dew point, mixing ratio (g/kg), absolute humidity level (g/m³) and wet-bulb temperature are directly calculated and displayed in the app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BC21WP.
BM22WP material moisture measuring device
The appSensor BM22WP is a material moisture measuring device permitting material moisture measurements according to the resistance measuring method when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements. Using this measuring device you can also carry out matrix measurements.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BM22WP.
To ensure a correct determination of the moisture content, you can further specify the material to be measured in the app. To do so, select the most suitable material from the sensor's context menu in the sensor settings. The default setting for the type of material is Wood .
At present you can choose from the following material types:
- Wood
- Plaster
- Brick
- Cement mortar
- Cement screed
- Concrete
Please note that the determined values are merely rough reference values: The measurement curves stored for the material types are averaged characteristic curves of an assortment of various materials of the selected type. Since, particularly in case of mineral building materials, the measurement results can be influenced by salinization as well as chemical additives, the determined values shall only be used as indicative reference values, not for an absolute assessment.
Handling instructions:
Insert the electrode tips as far as possible into the material to be measured, however, never use force. Under no circumstances may the measuring tips be driven into the material by means of a hammer. Otherwise the measuring device will be damaged.
BM31WP material moisture measuring device
The appSensor BM31WP is a material moisture measuring device permitting material moisture measurements according to the capacitive measurement method when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements. Using this measuring device you can also carry out matrix measurements.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BM31WP.
To ensure optimum measurement conditions, put the sensor at a right angle completely on the material to be measured and observe a minimum distance of 8 to 10 cm to corners.
The app additionally displays indicative values in M% and CM% for the preliminary check of a screed's readiness for covering. Via the sensor's context menu in the sensor settings you can switch over between cement screed and anhydrite screed.
Please note that these are merely rough reference values which cannot replace mandatory CM measurements: The measurement curves stored for the material types are averaged characteristic curves of an assortment of various materials of the selected type. Since, particularly in case of mineral building materials, the measurement results can be influenced by salinization as well as chemical additives, the determined values shall only be used as indicative reference values, not for an absolute assessment.
Handling instructions:
Owing to the measurement method the sensor needs to be calibrated after switch-on and prior to starting a measurement to ensure reproducible values. Hold onto the rear end of the sensor as far as possible, however, do not exceed the black rubber coating. Point the measuring device away from the body and any objects into clear space. An acoustic signal will be emitted as soon as the calibration has been completed successfully.
Try not to change the sensor's position after the calibration for this could affect the measurement results.
After switch-on the sensor needs to be recalibrated to the respective surrounding conditions of measuring location. This is an automatic process starting when the sensor is connected to the app after switch-on.
If the sensor displays incorrect values or you have changed its position during the measurement, you can manually initiate another calibration process. To do so, stop the measurement, open the context menu on the sensor screen and select Calibrate. The sensor now starts a new calibration process and the app will emit an acoustic signal as soon as it has been completed successfully.
BP21WP pyrometer
The appSensor BP21WP is a pyrometer permitting non-contact, infrared surface temperature measurements when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements. Using this measuring device you can also carry out matrix measurements.
The sensor operates with a fixed degree of emission of 0.95 and has a geometric resolution of 10:1 (D:S). During the measurement please bear in mind that highly reflective surfaces (e.g. metal, glass, ceramics) can falsify the measurement result.
Observe the ratio of the distance (D) to the measuring spot diameter (S). The larger the distance to the object, the larger the measuring spot diameter and hence, the less precise the measured result. The device calculates an average temperature from all the temperatures in the measuring spot.
The pyrometer BP21WP comes equipped with an on-demand multi-point laser which does not serve for temperature measurements but is instead used as aiming aid for the surface to be measured.
Switching the multi-point laser on and off
You can switch the laser on or off by priefly pressing the measurement button twice.
Alarm limit values and dew point scanning
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BP21WP.
If you simultaneously use a thermohygrometer BC21WP that is also connected to the app, you can now adopt the dew point determined with it as alarm threshold for the pyrometer BP21WP so as to obtain the functionality of a dew point scanner. An acoustic alarm signal generated by the app will be emitted by the terminal device when the measured temperature values reach or fall below the dew point.
BS30WP sound level measuring device
The appSensor BS30WP is a sound level measuring device permitting the measurement of noise emissions when used in combination with the MultiMeasure Mobile app.
In case of individual measurements, the measurement value display can be refreshed both via the app and by a brief actuation of the measurement button at the measuring device.
Apart from the hold function, the measuring device can indicate minimum, maximum and average values and carry out series measurements.
In the sensor settings you can specify MAX and MIN alarm thresholds for all parameters measured with the BS30WP.
The app in a nutshell
MultiMeasure Mobile is divided into five thematic menu tabs allowing a quick orientation.
- "Sensors" menu tab
- "Measurements" menu tab
- "Reports" menu tab
- "Customers" menu tab
- "Settings" menu tab
Note: On iOS the menu tabs are displayed at the bottom edge of the screen, on Android devices on the other hand they appear at the top.
Detecting an appSensor using the app
Only identified appSensors can be connected to the app.
In order for the app to detect the sensor, the Bluetooth function of your smartphone has to be enabled. In addition, some of the functions require access to your location and an active internet connection.
If the Bluetooth function of your mobile terminal device is enabled, switch on the appSensor by briefly pressing the measurement button of the measuring device three times. A light flashing in orange indicates that the appSensor is ready to connect. As soon as the appSensor has been successfully identified, it will be displayed among the Active sensors nearby in the Sensors menu tab.
Establishing a connection between appSensor and app
Identified appSensors are indicated in the list of Active sensors nearby in the Sensors menu tab and can now be selected for a connection to the app. To so do, simply tap on the Connect command next to the sensor designation. Now the connection between sensor and app has been established, the light at the sensor flashes in green, the appSensor is listed among the Available sensors and can be used for a measurement. Upon successful connection the app will automatically open the sensor screen of the connected appSensor.
Your appSensor is unable to establish a connection to the app?
In case your appSensors cannot be connected to the app on your mobile terminal device despite being detected via Bluetooth and displayed as "Available sensors", please refer to the information provided in the section "Known issues".
Terminating the connection between appSensor and app
In order to terminate the connection between an appSensor and the app, go to the Sensors menu tab, select the line with the appSensor to be disconnected and swipe left at the red marking. Disconnect sensor will be displayed beside the sensor designation – confirm the disconnection by tapping on this command. Now the connection between appSensor and app will be terminated.
An alternative disconnection option is available on each sensor screen. Each sensor screen comes with a context menu for the respective sensor in the top right corner. Opening the context menu gives you access to further sensor-specific setting options and to the Disconnect sensor command.
Switching off an appSensor
Once the connection between appSensor and app has been terminated, the measuring device can be switched off by pressing and holding the measurement button for five seconds. The measuring devices are further equipped with an automatic switch-off function: the device will be switched off after approximately three minutes unless the sensor has been reconnected. Please always terminate the connection between appSensor and app before you switch off the appSensor.
Using the appSensor via the app – sensor screen
Note: Allow for an acclimatization period of about 10 minutes in the respective measuring environment prior to the appSensor's first measuring operation.
A specific sensor screen will be available in the app for each connected appSensor. You can reach this sensor screen simply by tapping on the connected sensor in the list of Available sensors in the Sensors menu tab.
After a connection procedure with the appSensor the app will automatically open the respective sensor screen.
Measured value data logging and indication
Generally, the appSensor will immediately start to record measured values once the connection to the app has been established. And it indicates the currently measured values either numerically or in form of a graphic representation.
Tip: By touching the screen you can switch between graphic and numeric display.
The indicated measured values will not be saved automatically. In order to record measurements, select Start recording via the sensor screen.
Note: The logged measured values of a connected sensor are also displayed in the Sensors menu tab beside the name of the corresponding appSensor.
The automatic start of the measured value data logging process is not helpful in case of some measurement methods. For this reason, you can always use Refresh measured value to record and display the measured values of each appSensor on the sensor screen or else by briefly actuating the measurement button of the measuring device.
Note: The app can be connected to several appSensors at a time and also record a number of measurements simultaneously. And this is not limited to different appSensors. It also applies to several appSensors of the same type.
The number in the red circle on the Sensors menu tab indicates how many sensors are currently connected to your mobile device.
Further setting options on the sensor screen:

Each sensor screen comes with a context menu for the respective sensor in the top right corner. Opening the context menu provides you with further setting options and information regarding this appSensor.
Reset min / max
Here you can determine the alarm thresholds for the respective sensor. Unless muted, the mobile terminal device connected to the sensor will emit an acoustic signal when this limit value is reached.
X/T measurement
Provided the sensor supports this function, you can also specify whether you want to record an X/T measurement or just a standard individual spot measurement. The default setting is the X/T measurement. Disable it to carry out an individual spot measurement instead.
Disconnect sensor
This command opens the appSensor's context menu in which you can terminate the connection between appSensor and app.
Sensor settings
Having selected this command, you will be redirected to the sensor settings. There you can view the sensor's serial number and the available measurement parameters, edit the name of the sensor and determine whether or not it shall be automatically connected to your mobile device. Further possible settings relate to specifications such as the type of material to be measured – if this is supported by the appSensor.
Start recording
With this function you can record measured values. The recorded measured values will be stored on the device and can be accessed via the measurements menu tab.
Tap on Start recording to start a recording. In case of the X/T measurement the recording will now continue until you select Stop recording.
A special form of measured value recording is the so-called matrix measurement.
Matrix measurement and image options
A so-called matrix measurement can be carried out using the pyrometer BP21WP, the material moisture measuring device BM22WP for a resistance measurement or the material moisture measuring device BM31WP for a dielectric measurement.
A matrix measurement is a two-dimensional, coloured graphic representation of the humidity or heat distribution across a surface or object. It permits a qualitative evaluation of the humidity distribution and thermal conduction.
For a yet more precise assessment and better orientation a digital photo of the area to be examined can be placed behind the matrix. For a quick overview, e.g. when performing a preliminary check of a screed's readiness for covering, you can also save individual values and provide them, too, with a background image to ensure an exact documentation.
Selection options
Having selected Start recording you can choose from four options:
- Individual spot measurement without image
- Individual spot measurement with image
- Matrix measurement without background image
- Matrix measurement with background image
In case of the selection options with image you will be prompted to choose whether you want to use a photo already saved in the mobile device's gallery or take a new one directly in the app. Choose an image section that best matches the measuring surface.
If you selected Individual spot measurement with image, tap on the exact measuring location on the displayed image. The measured value will be displayed at this location.
If you selected a matrix measurement, you will see a grid, which in case of the Matrix measurement with background image will be superimposed on the selected image. The number of rows and columns for the matrix can be adjusted by means of a slider.
Always start a matrix measurement in the top left corner and then proceed column by column from top to bottom.
Should there be obstacles preventing you to log a measured value (windows, staircases, installations such as radiators or pipes), you can simply Skip one or more measuring points.
Unless you expand the measurement series, the app will automatically move on to a new column when the number of measuring points in column 1 has been reached.
You can also Undo the recording of an incorrect measurement logged by accident.
When carrying out an individual spot measurement with image, tap the screen at the spot where the measured value was taken. The measured value will be displayed at this location.

Once you started a recording, a red REC icon will be indicated in the top right corner of the screen.
When you select Stop recording you can choose to Save or to Discard the measurement.
If you want to save the measurement, enter a name for future reference.
Note: You can also link the measurement directly to a customer. If the customer data is already saved in your customer area, you can just tap on the arrow on the right to import customer data. Tapping on the empty field allows you to manually enter the customer name.
If you have already saved an address in the customer base, it will be automatically adopted. Moreover, with activated location detection, the current geographic coordinates of the mobile device will be added to the respective measurement.
You can enter additional information under the heading Notes. If you imported customer data from the customer area, corresponding information such as the phone number or e-mail address will be displayed there. The field can be extended as needed.
To discard a measurement tap on Discard and confirm the following prompt with OK. The measurement will be discarded.
Aborting a measurement recording prematurely
If you want to abort a started recording prematurely, e.g. to change the parameters of the grid, simply tap on the red REC icon at the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then a context menu opens in which you can confirm the abort operation.
Measurements menu tab

The Measurements menu tab serves as overview screen for your saved measurements with the assigned names. The number in brackets indicates the number of measured values within the saved measurement.
By selecting a measurement you will be directed to the measurement screen where you can start with the evaluation of the selected measurement.
Under the heading of Basic data you can view the date on which the measurement was performed, the stored customer, notes, geographic coordinates and the used sensor. You can edit the customer data or enter new information.
The measured values can be displayed in form of a table by tapping on Generate table and thus be made available for a report or to be viewed under Evaluations.
Depending on the performed measurement you can use Generate graphic to produce a graphic representation. Depending on the type of measurement the available graphics consist in either a progression chart or a graphic representation of the humidity distribution (matrix).
Via Generate image overlay you can superimpose images to create an image overlay (matrix or individual spot measurements with image).
Under Colour scaling you can adjust the matrix colour scaling and choose from relative or absolute colour rendering with self-definable scaling.
The saved measured values can be viewed under Values.
Under the heading Evaluation parameters select the measured values to be displayed in the table or progression chart that shall be generated.
Reports menu tab

Via the Reports menu tab you can produce new reports as well as view and manage previously generated reports.
The reports generated in the MultiMeasure Mobile app are short reports providing a fast and simple documentation for the customer and as a proof for your own use.
To generate a new report, tap on the + icon in the Reports menu tab. First enter a name for the report, then select the customer or manually enter a customer name.
You can ask the customer to sign for the generated report directly in the integrated signature field.
Once you have selected the customer, you can call up the accordingly stored measurements to be used for the report.
Then select the tables and graphics generated in the respective measurement that you want to include in this report under the heading Evaluations.
A free text field is provided beneath Comments. It can be filled with any text you would like to enter with regard to your measurement. For instance, you can document important additional information such as certain circumstances during the measurement, persons present etc. Then you can proceed to save your report.
All the reports saved can be displayed on the overview screen. Tap on the desired report to modify the specified parameters.
Via the context menu indicated in the top right corner of the screen you can create a PDF file of your report. Select the evaluations you want to include and tap on Generate PDF. The completed PDF will be displayed. You can save, print or e-mail it to the customer (depending on the settings of the used mobile device).
Customers menu tab

Via the Customers menu tab you can create new customer data records as well as view and manage previously generated data sets.
In the Customers menu tab tap on the + icon in top right corner to either manually add a customer to the app or to import the data from the contacts on your mobile device.
Select a customer to edit the stored data, to delete the customer or to start a measurement directly from the customer data record.
Settings menu tab

In the Settings menu tab you can change the app's language.
Also you can sign up for an account to keep the app data on several devices in sync. Moreover, you can select that new data will be automatically uploaded in case of an active WLAN connection.
Do you have any further questions or would you like to find out more about other sensors?
Feel free to contact us over the phone dialling +49 2452 962-430 or by e-mail: info@trotec.com.
Known issues
Unable to connect to appSensor
1. Bluetooth scanning not activated
In case of some Android devices it is possible that appSensors detected via Bluetooth cannot be connected to the app even though they are displayed in the list of Available sensors. If so, adjust the Bluetooth settings of your device and activate Bluetooth scanning.
Note: The menu navigation through the setting paths varies depending on the used Android version and any extra user interfaces possibly integrated by the manufacturer, e.g. Samsung Experience or EMUI by Huawei.
In this regard, i.a. the following setting paths are possible for the activation of Bluetooth scanning:
- Settings → Biometrics and security → Data protection → Location → Improve accuracy → Bluetooth scanning
- Settings → Google → Location → Improve accuracy → Bluetooth scanning
- Settings → Google → Location → Search → Bluetooth search
2. GPS function not activated
Note: Depending on the used Android version and the smartphone's user interface a successful connection to the appSensors may require the activation of the GPS function for the app, even though the app itself does not need GPS to function properly.
Therefore, activate the GPS function and check whether all available appSensors can now be connected to the app.
Limited number of connections with appSensors
1. Number of devices that can be connected simultaneously limited by the manufacturer
In case of some Android devices it is possible that not all of the appSensors displayed in the list of Available sensors can be connected to the app at the same time.
Note: Depending on the used Android version and the smartphone's user interface there may be a manufacturer-specific limitation to the maximum number of devices that can be connected simultaneously.
We recommend the following approach to check how many devices can maximally be connected to your smartphone at the same time:
When no additional appSensor can be connected to the app, first terminate the connection of an appSensor already connected to the app and then try to connect another appSensor. If the attempt is successful, this reveals the manufacturer-specific limitation of your smartphone model, i.e. the maximum number of devices that can be connected simultaneously.