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Sound locator LD6
  1. Products & Services
  2. Measuring devices
  3. Leak detection
  4. Sound locators
  5. LD6

Sound locator LD6

The ultra-compact solution for leak detection and pre-location in water supply

Using the LD6, you can quickly and safely check lines or fittings to detect sounds of leakage. The combination of a highly sensitive vibration sensor and appropriate amplifier technology allows to detect even minimal structure-borne sound waves.

At the push of a button, you can filter either high or low frequencies, which enables you to carry out successful measurements on both metallic and non-metallic lines. The wireless Bluetooth transmission to the headphones facilitates the measurement process considerably.

To carry out a measurement, you can place either the measuring tip of the LD6 or one of the accessories included in the scope of delivery on the line, fitting or floor. If there is a pipe burst in the line being inspected, a leak sound will be emitted at the respective spot.

The integrated level indicator additionally shows the intensity of the sound received.


How to find leaks using the LD6:

  1. Place the measuring tip of the LD6 on the test object.
  2. Watch the level on the LED indicator.
  3. A stable level indicates a leak or water withdrawal.
  4. If the sound level temporarily drops to zero, there is no leak.
  5. Switch on the wireless headphones and adjust the signal modulation for an ideal sound transmission.
  6. Measure at different points to track down the location of the leak.


Sound locator LD6
Sound locator LD6
Easy-to-handle for quick detection of structure-borne sound to locate pipe bursts.
Fast and easy handling
Thanks to the pot magnet, the LD6 can easily be attached to objects made of ferrous metals, for instance hydrant wrenches.
Versatile attachment and positioning options
The LD6 is delivered fully equipped with Bluetooth headphones and accessories in a transport case.
Delivered in a transport case
The scope of delivery includes the measuring device LD6, Bluetooth headphones, tripod, pot magnet, double probe rod extension, 230 V charger, 12 V car charger, one USB charging cable each for measuring device and headphones as well as an operating manual and transport case.
Extensive scope of delivery

A few practical benefits:

  • Compact pocket-sized sound locator
  • Easy single-button operation
  • Filter button for high and low frequencies
  • 8-stage level indicator
  • Wireless sound transmission to the Bluetooth headphones
  • Always ready for use thanks to rechargeable battery


Horchgerät LD6 show in Trotec online shop

Technical data




